American dream can be defined as equality of opportunity and freedom that allows all U.S. residents achieve their goals in life only with effort and determination. This idea first expressed in 1931 by the American historian James Truslow Also, it refers to that prosperity which depends on one's skills and work, not a destination dictated by rigid social hierarchy, although the meaning of the phrase has changed over the history of the United States. For some it is an opportunity to achieve more wealth than they could have in their home countries, for others it is the opportunity for their children to grow up with a good education and great opportunities, and finally, there are those who see it as the opportunity to be an individual without restrictions based on race, class, religion, etc.
On the other hand, The Frontier is the argument presented by historian Frederick Jackson Turner in 1893 that American democracy was created by the American frontier. It emphasized the results; particularly American democracy was the most important outcome, along with egalitarianism, lack of interest in high culture and violence. Besides, it was emphasized the preparation and the process of moving boundary the impact it had on pioneers going through the development. Turner created an evolutionary model who had been studied the evolution with a leading geologist Thomas Chamberlin Chrowder, the use of the time dimension of American history, and the geographical space of the land that became the United States.
Furthermore, multiculturalism is the first expression of cultural pluralism, which promotes non-discrimination on grounds of race or culture, celebration and recognition of cultural difference and the right to it. Multiculturalism is located within antisimilacionista philosophy of cultural pluralism is both a factual situation as a social organization proposal. Within the pluralist paradigm, the multiculturalism emerged as a model of public policy and as a philosophy and social thought to react to cultural uniformity in times of globalization. It is designed as an opposition to the tendency in modern societies towards unification and universal culture that celebrates and seeks to protect cultural diversity, while focusing on the frequent unequal relations of minorities compared to the majority cultures,
Finally, it is important to mention that The salad bowl theory is based on people with different culture identities being incorporated in the same society. They can live together without any conflicts even though they have different aspects. For example, lettuce, tomatoes and onions can share the same bowl, and taste good together although they are not the same vegetables. What I mean is that Chinese, afro American, white people, etc. can live together and it is good with variations. So therefore, people with different cultures can in fact communicate, exchange, share and co-operate.
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